Your agency is working on a large pitch. Your team have been beavering away, late into the night, to create compelling copy, craft a beautiful design and meet the deadline.
Or maybe you’re writing copy for your agency’s website, blog or social media.
Should you invest in a freelance proofreader and get an extra perspective?
Here are five reasons why you should hire an extra pair of eyes to make sure your copy is absolutely perfect.

An outside opinion
You know your agency inside out – and you know the vocabulary. An outside eye will pick up on jargon that might confuse your target audience. I can’t think of a single instance where copy is any the worse for being clear.
Ensuring consistency
An AI may not notice if you suddenly switch between ” and ‘ when writing quotes – but your proofreader absolutely will.
Bonus tip: supply your proofreader with your agency’s Tone of Voice guidelines. If you don’t have any, consider investing in a copywriter to create some with you.
Be perceived as professional
Statistically, people are more likely to click away from websites with multiple errors. Your agency is filled with hard-working, professional individuals. A proofreader will make sure your written content reflects that ethos.
It’s literally their job
Yes, you could ask Kevin from accounts to cast his eye over it. Kevin will have an outside perspective. And he may pick up on sudden switches from ” to ‘. But Kevin’s job is accounting. A seasoned proofreader can offer a nuanced service that could save you potentially costly mistakes.
Proofreading and editing often go hand-in-hand
Maybe your pitch is wildly outside the word count. Maybe you want to say something but can’t think of a pithy way to put it. A little bit of editing from an experienced proofreader and editor can get your text down to the correct word count – whilst ensuring its meaning is retained.
I regularly help agencies out with their proofreading needs, whether it’s emails, web content, important pitches or anything in between. Use the contact form to get in touch with me or email [email protected].