The topics of sustainability and being environmentally-friendly have been on my mind a lot lately. This might have something to do with the fact that I was a copywriter for the COP26 conference. Seeing how others are working to make a difference was very inspiring.
I’d be delighted to receive any suggestions on how to make my copywriting business as eco-friendly as possible, but I thought I’d share some details of how I currently do my best for the environment and long-term sustainability.
Going paperless
I have gone almost entirely paperless (although not entirely by choice: the printer won’t print at all and I’ve just learned to live with it!). I love the ability to sign documents using an e-signature (gone are the days of printing out a document, signing it neatly, smudging the ink, reprinting, signing it neatly, smudging the ink… You get the idea!) I’m almost glad the printer doesn’t work – it’s prevented me from printing items that didn’t really need to be printed. Even if it does get repaired, I’ll be using it minimally.
Remote working
A huge percentage of my work is done remotely. This means no travel, no fuel emissions and virtually no carbon footprint. When I do have to travel, I try to car-share as much as possible, if Covid guidelines permit.
Using renewable energy
The heating system is fuelled by biomass. Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for this as it was already installed when I moved in – but it’s good to know when I turn the heating on during a chilly autumn morning that it’s using renewable energy.
Have you any suggestions for making a small business as sustainable as possible? I’d love to hear your thoughts.