When I first started copywriting with various agencies, I was overwhelmed with acronyms. They meant absolutely nothing to me and, about ten times a day, I had to ask: “What does that mean?”
Chances are, if you’re working in a busy agency, you already know what they all mean. But I have no doubt that someone, somewhere will find this blog useful. Even that person is me, going back to check an acronym I should already know by now.

AM – Account Manager.
ATL marketing – “ATL” stands for “Above The Line” and this refers to widespread marketing campaigns, such as television adverts.
B2B copywriting – “B2B” stands for “Business to Business” and refers to any copywriting written by a business, targeted towards another business.
B2C copywriting – exactly the same, except the “C” stands for consumer and the copy is targeted at consumers.
BTL marketing – “BTL” stands for “Below The Line” and this refers to more targeted marketing campaigns.
CTA – Call to Action. Whether it’s something like “Message me for more information” or a simple “Contact us”, a CTA helps guide a customer to take action.
CX – Customer Experience.
DM marketing – “DM” stands for “Direct Mail” and this refers to marketing material that ultimately ends up delivered through the recipient’s letterbox.
EDM – Electronic Direct Mail. (Either that or “Electronic Dance Music” but I thought the former was more likely given the context.)
PI – Profitability Index.
PM – Project Manager.
PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint, a presentation programme.
OOH – “OOH” stands for “Out Of Home” advertising. Find out more here.
SaaS – Software as a Service.
SoW – “SoW” stands for “Statement of Work.” It’s a document that outlines the deliverables, pricing and time frame for a project.
TOV – “TOV” stands for “Tone of Voice”. This usually refers to the tone of voice a business or organisation wants to convey – whether it’s professional, friendly or anything in between.
TTL marketing – “TTL” stands for “Through The Line” and this approach incorporates both ATL and BTL marketing types.
TVC – “TVC” stands for “Television Commercial”.
UX copywriting – “UX” stands for “User Experience” and is designed to make the user’s experience clear and enjoyable – often this involves directing them towards the end goal.
I hope this has been helpful – although I won’t be giving up my day job to become a lexicographer any time soon!
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